1st Training Workshop on Agricultural Information Strategies and New Tools
The Nicaraguan Network of Agricultural Information and Documentation (RENIDA), founded in 1980 after the efforts of the Nicaraguan Center for Information Technology (CENIT - FINAPRI) and in collaboration with the Inter-American Agricultural Documentation Centre of IICA, has become one of the largest networks of agricultural information in the hemisphere.
The Network consists of 29 institutions, including ministries , universities and research institutes. Its mission is to facilitate communication processes, organization, management, access and dissemination of agricultural information and documentation in Nicaragua.
RENIDA has been an active partner of the SIDALC Alliance (www.sidalc.net), one of the largest platforms for exchange of information and knowledge in agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Established as a network that is at the forefront of issues, interested in new trends that present the digital world and the challenges that agricultural libraries face, the RENIDA organized with the assistance of FAO and IICA the 1st Course - Workshop on Agricultural Information Strategies and New Tools, which will be held on the 8, 9 and 10 of October at the National Agrarian University (UNA) of Nicaragua .
The objective of this course (program) is to expand the capabilities in agricultural information management in Central America and learn the most important aspects affecting the creation and management of digital libraries.
This course takes advantage , among other things , of the self-learning materials inside IMARK (www.imarkgroup.org). The training sessions will be facilitated by knowledge management professionals and information at IICA and FAO, specifically Imma Subirats from FAO in Rome, Italy, and Federico Sancho and Manuel Hidalgo from IICA in San Jose, Costa Rica.
For more information on this course in Nicaragua, please contact Ruth Velia Gomez rvelia@una.edu.ni .