AGRIS used in Academic Information Seeking MOOC

AGRIS is used as a resource in the Academic Information Seeking MOOC offered via Cousera platform.
AGRIS is part of the resources that are recommended to students of the Massice Online Course (MOOC) on Academic Information Seeking which is available on platform. This course is jointly sponserd by the University of Copenhagen and Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
This is an online course on how to do information seeking for academic papers and it consists of 21 small videos. AGRIS is shown as one of the resources.
AGRIS provides access scientific and technical information and links users to other related information and data on the web. AGRIS is a discovery tool that contains 8 million blibliographic references in agriculture, science and technology.
Through AGRIS and AGROVOC keywords, users can access to other related content over the web. AGRIS content comes from a collaborative network of more than 150 institutions from 65 countries.
AGRIS accepts content from publishers related to agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, aquatic sciences fisheries, and nutrition. Some of the records received have a link to the full text and AGRIS becomes an indexer to the respective repositories. AGRIS data is indexed in Google (since 2008), and this offers greater visibility of AGRIS content.
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