AGROVOC Web Services will be temporarily unavailable

Friday, 23rd March 2012 @ 15:00 hours for a 24 hour period  

Our research partner MIMOS who provides the infrastructure hosting our Linked Data services will conduct a replacement of a core hardware switch in their Data Center this Friday. This extraordinary event requires that all vocabulary services be unavailable, including: 

  • Web services & VocBench (production & sandbox) for:
  • Authority Control,
  • JITA
  • Biotechnology &
  • JAD
  • Linked data and SPARQL endpoint for:
  • AGRIS,
  • Authority Control,
  • JITA
  • Biotechnology &
  • JAD
  • MIMOS AgroTagger

Apologies in advance for the difficulties this downtime may cause. Please forward to anyone you know who may be affected.