AnaEE France : a research infrastructure for the study of continental ecosystems and their biodiversity

AnaEE France (Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems - France) is a national research infrastructure for the study of continental ecosystems and their biodiversity. It offers the international scientific community a broad range of 22 services in the form of experimental platforms (in controlled, semi-natural or natural environments), analysis platforms and shared instruments. AnaEE France also provides access to data and modeling platforms.
The AnaEE France is coordinated by CNRS, INRA and the Joseph Fourier University, and constitutes the contribution by France to the European AnaEE project that is part of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap.
Considering that human activities have substantially altered natural environments across the globe, major scientific challenge in this context is therefore to understand and predict the dynamics of biodiversity and ecosystems.
To that end, a truly integrated biological approach that combines all life and environmental sciences need to be adopted. The AnaEE France infrastructure meets this goal.
The infrastructure is built around three main service offerings that provide:
- access to a range of experimental facilities,
- four experimental platforms in semi-natural environments, and
- some 20 natural sites in metropolitan France and French Guiana where long-term experiments are conducted in forests, pastures, lakes and crops.
AnaEE France is scheduled to receive funding of €14m from ANR between 2012 and 2020 as part of the Investing for the Future project's "Biology and Health Infrastructure" program. By the end of the initial so-called investment phase, mid 2017, all its services must be operational.
By bringing together the best platforms available in the field, AnaEE France is the only national infrastructure fully devoted to the study of continental ecosystems. In a single integrated network it provides all the tools required to study, understand and model biological systems and conduct innovative biological research on gene - environment interactions, biodiversity and the functioning of ecosystems.
Soon, you will be able to submit your project directly online thanks to AnaEE France web portal. It is already possible to submit your projects online for 7 services: |
In the field of environmental microbiology, AnaEE France is also investing in the shared instruments and analytical resources required for a detailed characterization of the environment and microorganisms.
AnaEE-France (INRA-CNRS) Data Portal: here you will find data, services and maps and more. |
AnaEE France web portal benefits from the mapping experience of the group members with AgreementMakerLight - an automated and efficient ontology matching system derived from AgreementMaker. It is open source and freely available through GitHub.
Source: AnaEE France (Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems - France)
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