LINCOLN: a new European project for the Marine Space

Lean Innovative Connected Vessels (LINCOLN) EU Horizon 2020 research project will use innovative design methodologies and tools for the development of three types of completely new vessels concepts through combining real operative data at sea with lean methodology, with support of IT customized tools enabling the acquisition and using of field data.
“The intelligent use of data will revolutionize decision making in businesses, sciences, and society in the future. Value creation from Big Data could become the major driver of the European digital economy” (CINECA).
To contribute to a particularly relevant sector for the world economy - the Marine Space, and to help Europe to position itself in the European shipbuilding and maritime equipment industry as a key competitive developer of new solutions, products and services, a new HORIZON 2020 project LINCOLN (of 36 month duration: 1st October 2016 – 30th September 2019) is going to develop three types of completely new vessels concepts:
- a Multi-platform Catamaran;
- a Module Based High Speed Patrol Boat Platform,
- an Emergency Response and Recovery Vessels series for Coastal Rescue activities.
These added-value specialized vessels will be able to run requested services for Marine Aquaculture, Ocean Energy, Coastal Monitoring, Control and Surveillance, and Rescue sectors in the most effective, efficient, economic valuable and eco-friendly way.
To design, develop and deliver the aforementioned vessels concepts, the project will use an innovative fact based design model approach, which combines real operative data at sea with lean methodology.
To support the acquisition and the usage of field data - coming from an IoT platform and High Performance Computing (HPC) - Simulation platform – the project will use ad hoc IT tools, customized for the Maritime environment.
CINECA (a non profit Consortium, made up of 70 Italian universities, 6 Italian Research Institutions and the Italian Ministry of Education) - as a full member of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) - collaborates in the project by implementing an HPC platform for the design of boats and ships for rescue at sea.
To test the Lean Design platform combining IoT and HPC, the operational environment of the project also foresees dynamic simulation model testing:
- a multi-platform catamaran to serve as Service crew vessel and Multipurpose survey vessel;
- a high-speed patrol boat and an Emergency Response and Recovery Vessel (EERV) for coastal rescue activities.
The resulting Service system will be able to provide a numerical estimation of the hydrodynamic resistance given a hull geometry and a set of operative conditions.
Source : CORDIS