Meeting in Berlin with Georgiy Kobilarov

llI met this morning Georgi Kobilarov in the new offices of Uberblic on Erkelenzsamm 57, what is a kind of Silicon Valley in Kreuzberg.

We made a recap of the workshop, which was hold in December in Rome, of the existing technologies present with Uberblic and the plans we have with the AGRIS system.  Then we agreed on the following:

Uberblic will assist in the following steps:

  • transformation of the AGRIS repository into triples in a way that concepts and entitites can be transformed into URIs stepwise
  • creating a SOLR index for search purposes based on  the triple store
  • integrating wikipedia content and the content from the Drupal sites of the CGIAR into the AGRIS search
  • customizing the user interface

For this purpose Uberblic will:

  • transfer necessary technology
  • train staff in Rome

Georgi will spend some days in Rome for this and will give then remote assistance. Georgi will write immediated a budgeted and scheduled proposal.