Moving Open Access Implementation Forward

In December 2016, JISC released Moving Open Access Implementation Forward: A Handbook for Open Access Good Practice Based on Experiences of UK Higher Education Institutions. The handbook is based on the experiences of the nine pathfinder projects. Though this resource is aimed at staff involved in supporting open access implementation in the UK, it is also of use to others. The handbook is published under the CC BY 4.0 licence.
Following the completion of the Open Access Good Practice (OAGP) initiative, JISC has produced a new handbook based on the experiences of the nine pathfinder projects (involving 30 universities plus a wider community of practice of more than 200 professionals from 90 universities). The pathfinder projects are producing advice, guidance, models, case studies and other support materials to help the higher education sector to implement open access (OA) as efficiently as possible.
# OA good practice (JISC, short video)
# An introduction to OA (JISC, quick guide)
# Complying with OA policies (JISC, quick guide)
The handbook summarises the lessons learned by the projects and points towards key tools and resources, according to the following recommendations:
Baselining and policy compliance |
| Capture your current situation |
| Benchmark against other institutions |
| Treat implementation as a project |
| Take advantage of opportunities for change |
| Integrate compliance with other reporting and systems |
| Involve stakeholders from across your institution |
| Incorporate open access into institutional strategies |
| Find positive solutions |
| Set up regular reviews |
Structures and workflows |
| Find the right approach for your institution |
| Review your whole workflow or fine tune individual tasks |
| Coordinate processes across your institution |
| Think about mapping to existing processes |
| Consider how you handle REF exceptions |
| Explore workflow models |
| Ensure sustainability |
Advocacy |
| Get to know your researchers and how they work |
| Keep the message clear and simple |
| Promote the wider benefits |
| Help researchers navigate the policy landscape |
| Use a range of approaches |
| Review your support regularly |
| Encourage institution-wide involvement |
| Get the buy-in of key stakeholders or champions |
| Ensure support staff have the right skills |
Cost management |
| Understand the OA cost management landscape |
| Capture workflow costs |
| Adapt your cost management workflow to make time-saving efficiencies |
| Track down “APCs paid in the wild” |
| Provide feedback |
| Make a case for an institutional open access fund |
Metadata and systems interoperability |
| Standardize your data entry |
| Implement systems that will help you automate OA workflows |
| Be part of the discussion |
# A detailed review of the initiative and the individual projects, including a list of outputs by project, can be found in the final report OA Good Practice Initiative.
# A comprehensive list of the resources produced as part of the initiative is also available.
# Read the full text of the handbook here.
Related content:
- Societies and Open Access Research (SOAR)
- Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)