TEEAL Institutional Grants 2016

ITOCA in collaboration with Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University would like to invite applications from eligible institutions for acquiring TEEAL sets.
A total of 132 sets will be awarded to institutions in six African countries (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda).
Eligibility requirements:
1. The institution is located in one of the following countries:
- Burkina Faso,
- Ethiopia,
- Ghana,
- Nigeria,
- Tanzania or
- Uganda
2. The Institution has an Agriculture or related fields department or specialises in Agriculture research and related fields.
3. The Institution does not have a TEEAL set OR
4. The Institution would like to upgrade their existing TEEAL set
Eligible institutions who would like to acquire a TEEAL set for their library should complete the application form on page 2 and submit for consideration. All applications will be assessed by a panel with members from ITOCA, South Africa and Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University.
All applications should be submitted by 30 April 2016. Only fully completed application forms will be considered.
Download the application form here