Towards Legislative Frameworks that allow Fair Dissemination, Access to, Sharing and Use of available knowledge

The Expert Group on Science 2.0/Open Science with the  European University Association (EUA) High-Level Group on 'big deals' (with publishers on behalf of universities) met in Brussels on 12 and 13 January 2017 to discuss negotiations with large publishers, text and data mining (TDM), open research data and the European Open Science Cloud


On its part, the Expert Group on Science 2.0/Open Science discussed in its fifth meeting a variety of topics, including:

Furthermore, the Group agreed to focus on:

in its upcoming meetings.

* Highlights from Joint statement by EUA, CESAER, LERU and LIBER on Copyright in the Digital Single Market: 

To achieve European research excellence, the EC's proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market must be amended in the following ways:


(T&D Mining)

T&D Mining is the process by which one can derive information from machine-readable material. The Right To Read Is The Right To Mine


Cross-border research collaboration is crucial to the research communities of Europe and a natural step in fulfilling the European Open Science Policy Agenda. The research community needs harmonization and legal certainty at a European level that cannot be overridden by licensing agreements nor by national legislation.


-  that offers access to resources beyond the collections held in individual universities - should be addressed.  A provision in the form of a mandatory exception to the right of reproduction, allowing cross-border document supply of book chapters and articles, is a simple way of ensuring that individual researchers have access to the material that they need.


would untold damage to the ability of researchers to share their findings and reference the world of scholarship in their published works. That is why the extension of the rights of publishers as outlined in Article 11 of the proposed Directive should clearly exclude ancillary copyright.


This provision could help support transparency around the revenue generated from the publication of publically-funded research. However, further clarification in the text of the proposed Directive is needed in order to ensure that this obligation fulfils these goals.


EUA, CESAER, LERU, LIBER, SCIENCE EUROPE have the technologies with which Europe’s research and innovation communities can thrive. The regulatory framework to implement these technologies is needed

Source: Open Science: EUA discusses big deal negotiations, text and data mining and open data 


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