
You can search in the AIMS website archive about news related to any topic about AIMS.

  • Research4Life survey aimed to meet the needs of developing-country researchers

    Do you use Research4Life? Does it help your institution find the information needed? Does it make a difference to your research? The latest Research4Life User Experience Review is underway and they want to hear from you. Research4Life provides online access to up to 100,000 peer-reviewed international scientific and ...
  • The Value of RDA for COVID-19

    Under public health emergencies, and particularly the COVID19 pandemic, it is fundamental that data is shared in both a timely and an accurate manner. This coupled with the harmonisation of the many diverse data infrastructures is, now more than ever, imperative to share preliminary data and results early and often. ...
  • AGRIS adds 22,541 additional records and now boasts 11,934,258 total records

    The AGRIS team is thrilled to announce that 22,541 additional records from 16 data providers representing 11 countries have been published in the International Information System for the Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS). AGRIS now boasts 11,934,258 total records. In a world where the need for access and understanding of open data and data ...