
You can search in the AIMS website archive about news related to any topic about AIMS.

  • New German and Malay terms added to AGROVOC

    The AGROVOC team added 885 new German terms and 765 new Malay terms to the Vocbench. These terms are now browsable on AIMS. Suggest new terms The AGROVOC thesaurus contains more than 40 000 concepts in up to 21 languages. To suggest new terms not yet present in AGROVOC, go to the AIMS contact form, ...
  • Ministerial Dialogue on Agriculture, Science and Technology

    The "2nd Ministerial Dialogue on Agriculture, Science and Technology" was held successfully on 18-19 April 2012 at the Forum for Agricultural research in Africa (FARA) Secretariat in Accra, Ghana. Read the Communiqué (pdf). Focus on mechanisms to integrate research, extension and education The Ministerial Dialogue brought together African ministers of agriculture, ...
  • OA Repository of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute - India

    The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) was established in 1947 by the Government of India under Ministry of Agriculture with headquarters at Madras.The institutional repository was created to show case the research output and create professional visibility of scientists of the institute. About the Repository The repository runs on ...
  • Open Science for the 21st century

    ALLEA, All European Academies, released on April 11th the Declaration "Open Science for the 21st century" to acknowledge Open Access as part of the future of Open Science. The declaration describes the vision of Open Science in the 21st century and lists the requirements that need to be fulfilled to ...
  • "DSpace Administrator Help" document updated with AgriOcean DSpace paragraph

    The AgriOcean DSpace team added a paragraph specific on AgriOcean DSpace to the  DSpace Administrator Help document. It may help to customize the interface. Download the Updated DSpace Administrator Help document A link to the document is also available on the AOD Support Material page on AIMS. The document is ...