
You can search in the AIMS website archive about news related to any topic about AIMS.

  • New publications by AGROVOC team

    The AGROVOC team of AIMS has recently published the following two articles:   Armando Stellato, Ahsan Morshed, Gudrun Johannsen, Yves Jaques, Caterina Caracciolo, Sachit Rajbhandari, Imma Subirats, Johannes Keizer (2011). A Collaborative Framework for Managing and Publishing KOS. 10th European Networked Knowledge Organisation Systems (NKOS) Workshop, Berlin (Germany). Location in FAO CDR: ...
  • VOA3R/MTSR 2011 Controlled Experiment

    In the framework of the 4th International Workshop on Metadata and Semantics for Agriculture, Food and Environment, which will be hosted as a special track of MTSR 2011 Conference, the VOA3R project is organizing an open access review experiment, where an alternative review process for scientific papers will be used, ...
  • 40th ASFA Advisory Board Meeting

    On behalf of the ASFASecretariat The 40th annual ASFA Advisory Board Meeting was held at the Instituto Nacional de Pesca (INP), Guayaquil, Ecuador, 5-9 September 2011.    Opening The meeting was opened by Ms Pilar Solis, Director of INP, Mr Alan Gonzalez, FAO Representative in Ecuador, Mr Richard Grainger, Chief of the ...
  • AgriOcean DSpace presented at ASFA Advisory Board Meeting

    The 40th annual ASFAAdvisory Board Meeting was held at the Instituto Nacional de Pesca (INP), Guayaquil, Ecuador, 5-9 September 2011.  During the “workshop” day many interesting presentations were given, among others: AgriOcean DSpace: FAO and UNESCO-IOC/IODE Combine Efforts in their Support of Open Access, presented by Linda Noble (NMBL) on ...
  • Bibliography on open access and intellectual property rights

    Julio Alonso Arevalo, chief librarian of the University of Salamanca and editor for E-LIS(e-prints in library and information science), kept track of interesting publications on open access and intellectual property rights. You can take a look at this bibliographyon Mendeley, a free reference manager. Most publications are to be ...