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  • [New Publication] Aligning Controlled Vocabularies using Faceted based approach

    A vocabulary stores words, synonyms, word sense definitions (i.e. glosses), relations between word senses and concepts; such a vocabulary is generally referred to as the Controlled Vocabulary (CV) if choice or selections of terms are done by domain specialists. A facet is a distinct and dimensional feature of a ...
  • New social media network for Fedora/DSpace

    I just became aware of a fairly new social network for Duraspace, the parent organization of the Fedora, DSpace, and Mulgara projects.  They're using a Crowdvine site at: Looking over the list of current active members it looks like all the major players in DSPace and ...
  • India Towards the Open Access

    India Towards the Open Access: A New Institutional Repository at Indian Agricultural Research  Institute  "Eprints@IARI is the open access research outputs repository of Indian Agricultural Research Institute. Research outputs of IARI - journal papers, conference papers, reports, theses, patents etc. - are uploaded/self-archived by IARI scientists/scholars who ...
  • ICUDL 2009, Pittsburgh

    I am in Pittsburgh, USA to participate in ICUDL - The 5th International Conference on Universal Digital Library. The presentation that I will give in the paper session of the conference is at Presentation