In May 2008, FAO approved a project that will provide an upgrade to the FAO Country Profiles Mapping Information System (FCPMIS) launched in 2002. The project aims to enhance users' access to country information on FAO's expertise and increase collaboration among FAO's technical divisions and decentralized offices as well as partners in ...
In the last few years a strong need has emerged for a standard way to interchange various types of information, such as on organizations, projects, experts, events and news, in the agriculturalcommunity. This paper focuses on the metadata set for events, the Agricultural Events Application Profile (Ag-Events AP), created specifically ...
Metadata interoperability allows the exchange and preservation of crucial learning and teachinginformation, as well as its future reuse among a large number of different systems and repositories. This paper introduces work around metadata interoperability that has taken place in the context of the Agricultural Learning Repositories Task Force (AgLR-TF), an ...
A short report summarizing the main opinions that have been expressed upon the topics of each phase of the Agricultural Repositories e-Conference (AgLR 2008) has been prepared by the conference organizers. A relevant follow up event, where a face-to-face discussion of these issues is expected to take place: it is the ...
Ontology plays an important role in the enhancement performance of systems, addressing issues such as knowledge sharing, knowledge aggregation as well as information retrieval and question answering. This paper presents the AGROVOC Concept Server Workbench (ACSW) for multilingual ontological concept construction and maintenance. The ACSW is a web 2.0 based application ...