After a period of testing by FAO, GFAR and GFIS, the Agricultural Events Application Profile (Ag-Events AP) is now available to share information about upcoming events in the domain of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry and related subject areas. There are many aspects of an event, ranging from simple announcement to detailed ...
This document describes the architecture for the ontology-driven Fisheries Stock Depletion Assessment System (FSDAS) knowledge base. It will be a stand-alone Java Web Start (JWS) application that communicates via web services with a separate server instance of the NeOn core toolkit and an RDF triple store for unstructured data sources. ...
The latest output of the participation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in the Networked Ontologies (NeOn) project is now publicly available. As part of the project, FAO has produced a set of OWL ontologies related to the fisheries domain dedicated to biological species, fishing ...
An explanatory flyer is now available for downloading/printing about the AGROVOC Concept Server Workbench. The Workbench is a web-based working environment for managing the AGROVOC Concept Server. It provides tools and functionalities that facilitate the collaborative editing of multilingual terminology and semantic concept information. It further includes administration and ...
From today, the AGRIS search application will give access to more than 24,000 bibliographic references with abstracts, produced by the Research Council Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (AFFRC) in Japan, in the last three years. The resources are all encoded in the AGRIS AP XML format and ...