Application for the second edition of the online course on Farm Data Management, Sharing and Services for Agriculture Development are open!
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations together with the Pan African Farmers’ Organisation (PAFO) are pleased to ...
Since the 1990s, a common set of data exchange and access principles created by the Canadian, Japanese, European and U.S. International Earth Observing System (IEOS) partners has fostered NASA to develop a free, open and non-discriminatory data and information policy regarding its Earth observation program. NASA’s Earth Observing ...
The FAO AGRIS team is pleased to inform all AGRIS data providers and users about the AGRIS September 2019 data release
As of September 2019, the number of AGRIS multilingual bibliographic records has reached 10,206,816 records!
The AGRIS team wishes to thank all AGRIS contributors and users!
The next AGRIS data release will ...
Assessing the stewardship maturity of individual datasets is an essential part of ensuring and improving the way datasets are documented, preserved, and disseminated to users. It is a critical step towards meeting U.S. federal regulations, organizational requirements, and user needs. However, it is challenging to do so consistently and ...
The International Symposium: Open Science in the South, Dakar 23-25 octobre 2019, organized by the French Research Institute for Development (IRD), Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD) and CIRAD accept registration until the 30th of September.
Open science is a real lever for facilitating collaborations, conducting quality research, widely disseminating ...