
En el archivo del sitio web de AIMS pueden buscarse noticias sobre AIMS relacionadas con cualquier tema.

  • OASPA hosts Twitter Chat on Open Access Publishing in the Global South

    On Wednesday, 22 February, 2017, OASPA will host an hour-long live Twitter chat about open access (OA) publishing in the Global South, at 1pm BST.  Join this event on Twitter by tweeting your questions about OA publishing in the Global South using the hashtag #OASPAChat. Date & Time:Wednesday 22nd February 20171pm -2...
  • AgriXiv Preprints for Agriculture and Allied Sciences

    On 14 February 2017, the preprint AgriXiv site was launched with support from Open Science Framework (OSF), as part of fulfilling its objective of “development of community e-infrastructure, capacity building and framework for policies related to Open Access, Open Data and Open Education”.___________________________________________________________________________________________________“Everything else can wait, but not Agriculture”, - Jawaharlal ...
  • Soil Data Working Group is launched !

    After the joint efforts of GODAN and RDA-IGAD activities, a new Working Group (WG ) on Soil Data was laucnhed on 15 February, 2017. It will connect ongoing efforts and share information in connection with the WG on Soil Information Standards of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) and soil-related actions in ...
  • Open Science 101 project

    Open Science 101 initiative aims to develop an open science curriculum (and teaching materials) for the general concepts underlying the practices of Open Science. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________What is Open? (Open Knowledge International). The principles and facets of Open Science (Open Access, Open Data, Open Licences, Open Peer Review, Open educational resources, etc.) have ...