Launch of the New ISA² action: the “Interoperability Academy”
The ‘Interoperability Academy’ is a new action under the ISA² programme whose outcome will be a central catalogue of educational interoperability resources organised by different learning paths under structured sustainable eLearning courses in a MOOC centralised platform.
The Interoperability Academy is an eLearning platform, accessible 24/7, aimed at improving the knowledge of public servants on the reuse of ISA² solutions and supporting the implementation of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF). Public servants will be able to follow courses and obtain a proof of acquired knowledge, thus providing career opportunities. The Academy will allow anyone to become knowledgeable even in the most advanced solutions, by following an adaptable training path.
The ISA and ISA² programmes have generated a number of solutions for which many learning resources have been produced, such as presentations, videos and webinars. As a first step in the establishment of the Academy, a full catalogue of educational resources produced so far by the ISA and ISA² programmes is currently being established and will be published here shortly.
Learning paths and user profiles, as well as a proper curriculum are also being developed as a collaborative effort involving the European Commission, EU Member States and other stakeholders, including similar initiatives at national or international levels through the Digital Skills for the Public Sector collection and face-to-face workshops.
Photo by UNSPLASH licensed under CC0 License
To learn more on the objectives and activities of the 'Interoperability Academy', visit their website here.
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