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  • Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries (GRSF) prototype is released

    A first version of the Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries (GRSF) has been produced exploiting the capabilities offered by the BlueBRIDGE Virtual Resource Environments (VREs). In BlueBRIDGE VREs, it is now possible to access and manage stocks and fishery records from the three data contributors: FIRMS partners, RAM, and ...
  • Research Data Management : Training Materials

    Looking for training materials on research data management? Check out the EUDAT training programme and Research data management open training materials collection curated by Laura Molloy on Zenodo.___________________________________________________________________________________________________The EUDAT collaborative data infrastructure is a European e-infrastructure of integrated data services and resources to support the full research data life ...
  • Between growing food and conserving forests in sub-Saharan Africa

    International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) is conducting research to better understand existing and future competition and trade-offs between food production and natural forests, and the implications for land use policies in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).___________________________________________________________________________________________________Research by IIED's forest and biodiversity teams reveals that there is limited scope for ...
  • Call for Chapters: Library and Information Science in the Age of MOOCs

    Help to spread out Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) concept with its potential in library and information science domain. The upcoming book intends to make every library and information science professionals aware with MOOC concept as a whole and how they can play worthy roles in MOOC setting by using ...