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  • AGROVOC updated!

    AGROVOC has been updated! We are pleased to announce that 240 terms in different languages were added. The new terms were added as per suggestions from FAO Forestry Dept. and other users; some were identified during mapping AGROVOC to different thesauri. The new version now contains 580 239 terms in 19 languages. Search AGROVOC ...
  • New E-LIS Governance and E-LIS migration to DSpace

    New E-LIS Governance E-LIS, not-for-profit/non-commercial project, is organised, managed and maintained by an international team of librarians, with different background. Essentially, the strong part of the repository are the 60 national editors from 44 countries carrying out the quality control of the metadata from the self-archived papers and the submission and ...
  • Updated list of Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries

    The Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (LIFDC) web page has recently been updated. The new list of the LIFDCs stands at 70 countries, seven less than those in the 2009 LIFDC list. These are: Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, China, Equatorial Guinea, Morocco and Swaziland. All seven graduated from the list having completed the "transitional phase", ...
  • Roadblocks to Drupal7

    I don't know if a migration to Drupal 7 is on the AgriDrupal roadmap but assuming that it is something that might be desired in the future I thought I'd write down a few experience I've had playing with Drupal 7 in the past week or so. I've actually been looking at ...