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  • Travel status for Montpellier meeting

    Since most of us might be encountering travel issues for the Montpellier meetings I thought I'd start a blog post As of Wednesday afternoon all of my flights to/from Montpellier are "on schedule".  However I know that there is a strong recommendation to contact airlines prior to going to ...
  • Definition of URIs

    During the workshop in Kuala Lumpur we discussed the structure of URIs with  the AOS schemes and we agree on the following   Domain (owner):     place at the domain   :      aos name of the scheme         agrovoc specification                     _c_YYYYYYY classification as a scheme    #concept This is  the way the ...
  • Drupal hack for generating ISO 19139 XML metadata

    I am developing two Drupal 6 based Document Repository sites that have greatly benfited from the AgriDrupal design document. Thank you for making it available! I know about AgriDrupal through the Global Rangelands project at the University of Arizona but it is the U.S. Geoscince Information Network project at the ...
  • [New Publication] Bridging End Users’ Terms and AGROVOC Concept Server

    AGROVOC is one of the most important resources for covering the terminology of all subjects to interest the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (including agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food and related domains). AGROVOC is a multilingual thesaurus developed by FAO and the Commission of the European Communities ...