Webinar@AIMS: How can you contribute to AGRIS with your bibliographic data?
The AIMS team is pleased to announce the Webinar@AIMS: How to contribute to AGRIS with your bibliographic data?
The webinar will provide an overview of submitting data to AGRIS by data providers.
The webinar addresses AGRIS Data providers, researchers, information management specialists, software developers, (agricultural) journal editors,related data providers and other interested people.
About the webinar
This webinar is addressed to data providers that would like to share their bibliographic data through the AGRIS web portal. The aim of this webinar is to provide simple steps and guidelines on how to deliver new resources to AGRIS
27 th of November 2014 - 15:00 Rome Time
Elena Kokoliou is the Senior Curator Associate with Agro-Know in Greece. Elena studied Department of Library Science and Archives and has worked in many public organizations as a librarian and an archivist. She currently coordinates data processing to AGRIS Repository.
Recordings and Slides
Questions & Answers:
How to join
The session is open to anyone but places are limited. If you are interested to attend the webinar, send an e-mail to aims@fao.org containing the following information:
- your name
- your affiliation
- your role
- your country
System requirements
Once you have requested to attend the webinar, you will receive an e-mail confirming your place with an URL access. Make sure that:
- you have good internet connection
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10; Mozilla Firefox; Google Chrome
- Adobe® Flash® Player 10.3. If in doubt, go to Checking system requirements of the web conferencing programme Adobe Connect.
This webinar is co-sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) , IICA and Agro-Know.