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  • EMPRES : Global Animal Disease Information System

    EMPRES Global Animal Disease Information System (EMPRES-i) is a web-based application that has been designed by FAO’s Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES) to support veterinary services by facilitating the organization and access to national, regional and global level disease data and information. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________Since 2004 the FAO of the UN has been ...
  • Crop pest control with eLocust3: recording and transmission of geo-referenced data

    This post highlights an innovative tool for crop pest control eLocust3, a highly effective data recording and transmission system for crop pest monitoring developed by the FAO of the UN.___________________________________________________________________________________________________ “The Desert Locust is considered the world’s most dangerous migratory pest species. It threatens people’s livelihoods, food security, ...
  • CAPSELLA project: collaborating for knowledge and linking communities

    A Horizon 2020 EU-funded CAPSELLA project aims at developing novel ICT solutions tailored to the needs and requirements of farmers’ local communities and networks and other actors engaged in agrobiodiversity.___________________________________________________________________________________________________“The objective of the research in this field is to harness the collaborative power of ICT networks to create collective awareness ...
  • Help consolidate the understanding of the DATA SCIENCE professions

    The EDISON - Building The Data Science Profession project launched a recent questionnaire with the aim to consolidate the understanding of the Data Science professions. The survey will take some 25 minutes of your time to be completed and will be kept open until 22 January 2017.___________________________________________________________________________________________________The emergence of Data Science technologies ...
  • DIGITAL SCIENCE : smart support at every stage of the research cycle

    Digital Science is a leading global  technology company serving the needs of scientific research. Digital Science provides software that makes the research process simpler and more efficient so that everyone can work smart and discover more. Digital Science helps solve problems for researchers, institutions, publishers and funders._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________“We still have ...