AGROVOC November 2017 release

AGROVOC team takes this opportunity to inform all interested parties about the new AGROVOC release - November 2017.
As you may already know, beginning in April 2017 AGROVOC updates its content on a monthly basis !
The AGROVOC Team would like to thank and express its gratitude to all AGROVOC editors who contributed to this new release ! Our special thanks goes also to our AGROVOC Editor in Ukraine - Tatiana Deribon, who was interviewed by the AIMS Team about her "long way towards and with AGRIS and AGROVOC". |
As of today, AGROVOC counts 34,599 concepts (compared to : 33,059 concepts in July 2017) and 660,348 terms (compared to : 652,007 terms in July 2017) in 35 languages !
Below are some further specific details featured in the previous AGROVOC release(s) :
| November 2017 | October 2017 |
Triples | 6,398,820 | 6,312,837 |
Entities | 695,220 | 691,812 |
distinctSubjects | 762,490 | 758,224 |
distinctObjects | 765,551 | 760,659 |
Further interesting facts about AGROVOC :
Set of linksets in AGROVOC | LD Vocabularies, Thesaurus: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA): Thesaurus (triples 1784); BioTechglossary (triples 793); DBPEDIA (triples 11015), Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) (triples 398), DNB (triples 6212), EUROVOC (triples : 1269), GEMET (triples 1185), GeoNames (triples 206), GeopoliticalOntology (triples 253), LCSH (triples 1079), NALT (triples 13644), RAMEAU (triples 671), STW Thesaurus for Economics (triples 1125), Thesaurus for the Social Sciences (TheSoz) (triples 827), Environmental Applications Reference Thesaurus (EARTh) (triples 1385), Chinese Agricultural Thesaurus (CAT) (triples 20702), Il Nuovo soggettario of National Central Library of Florence (BNCF) (triples 1967), CAB Thesaurus (triples 38). |
Taxonomic terms for plants | 72,064 [Common name for plants : 8,547] |
Taxonomic terms for bacteria | 7,136 [Common name for bacteria : 29] |
Taxonomic terms for animals | 156,418 [Common name for animals : 4,682] |
Taxonomic terms for viruses | 5,130 [Common name for viruses : 53] |
Taxonomic terms for fungi | 17,944 [Common name for fungi : 145] |
You can discover more about AGROVOC concepts, terms and relationships - by starting with searching and browsing for AGROVOC items in SKOSMOS.
Last, but by no means least. The AGROVOC Team would like to thank:
Do you want to be constantly updated on the ongoings (and also to share specific news) on AGROVOC issues? You are invited to Join AGROVOC DGroups mailing list.
Related on AIMS :
- Tracking AGROVOC use, feedback and use cases
- Focus on AGRIS achievements (AIMS November 2017 Newsletter)
- Thesaurus Maintenance, Alignment and Publication as Linked Data: The AGROVOC Use Case
- The role of AGROVOC and other LOD vocabularies in architectural models of interoperability
- AgroPortal : Harnessing the Power of Metadata to Visualize the Landscape of Agronomical Ontologies
- VocBench 3 - a free and open source platform for editing ontologies, thesauri and RDF datasets - is now available for download
- What and Why Technology is important to push the development of AGROVOC Thesaurus ?
- Selecting target datasets for semantic enrichment (EUROPEANA, 2015)