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  • Virtual Science Library: an example of aggregated service

    The Virtual Science Library (VSL) Open Portal is a free gateway providing access to a wide range of research publications and databases. Virtual Science Library program was created by CRDF, an independent non-profit organisation which aims to support and strengthen Research and Development (R&D) through collaborating with research institutions ...
  • 'Biotechnology Glossary Explorer' released

    The 'Biotechnology Glossary Explorer' has been released. A collaboration between the units OEKR and OEKC of the Office of Knowledge Exchange, Research and Extension (OEK) of FAO. It uses a custom Drupal module designed by Italy-based development team Macaroni Bros. that uses SPARQL queries via AJAX to dynamically query a ...
  • Interview on knowledge sharing with four CGIAR knowledge management specialists

    Yesterday AlertNet published the interview ‘Bridging the knowledge gap between farmers and scientists’. A contribution from CGIAR who urged to support knowledge sharing systems in their RIO+20 Call-to-action. The article consists of an interesting conversation, lead by questions, between four CGIAR knowledge management specialists: Peter Ballantyne (International Livestock Research Institute ...
  • Japanese Institutional Repositories Online exceeds 1 Million Full-text Articles

    Japanese Institutional Repositories Online (JIRO) developed by the National Institute of Informatics (NII), harvests metadata from institutional repositories in more than 206 Japan research institutions and universities. National Institute of Informatics build JIRO through registrations from interested organisations and provides a common search interface. JIRO recently announced reaching 1 million mark of ...
  • OA drive & Digital Scholarship in Africa, Botswana: Call for Papers

    1st National Conference organized by Botswana Library Consortium (BLC) 24-25 October 2012, Botswana (venue to be announced soon) Open Access (OA) Week is organized to raise awareness, celebrate the progress, share benefits and experiences about providing free online access to research results and their use for socio-economic development. To commemorate the ...