![]() AIMS organizes webinars on any day of the week, at 11:00 and 16:00 Rome Time, adapting to the needs of users in different countries. However, the sessions are recorded and can be viewed later. To view timetables for other countries, see Time Converter. Who can attend? The sessions are open to anyone but places are limited. If you are interested to attend a webinar, send an e-mail to [email protected], containing the following information: title of the webinar, your name, affiliation, role and country. What topics are covered? Webinars@AIMS cover a broad range of topics of interest for information workers related to open access, open data, vocabularies, metadata, tools, Linked Data and any theme about agricultural information management. Additionally, any community member can send suggestions for new topics. | Next WebinarThe AIMS team is pleased to announce the webinar ORCID: The Open Researcher & Contributor ID. The webinar will be held on Thursday the 19th of September 2014 at 11:00 a.m . This webinar will give a short overview about various aspects of the ORCID. How can you get or assign ORCID identifiers? Where and how is the ORCID used? The webinar will be presented by Christian Gutknecht a specialist for information systems at the Swiss National Science Foundation. |
Who organizes them?
Institutional members of the CIARD movement sponsor the Webinars@AIMS with the collaboration of the AIMS Editorial Team. So far the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists (IAALD) have delivered online seminars.
How to access to previous webinars?
Below you can find the slides and recordings of previous events ordered by category.
Open Access Metadata Linked Open Data Tools General Topics
Opening Access to Agriculture Research Products: The Experience of CGIAR by Enrica Porcari, CGIAR (23 Oct 2012, English)
From Tactical to strategic thinking: picking priorities in Open Access by Jean-Claude Guédon, University of Montréal (23 Oct 2012, English)
Open Access policy developments by Alma Swan, SPARC, Key Perspectives Ltd, Enabling Open Scholarship (24 Oct 2012, English)
Value-added services for the Wageningen Institutional Repository (WaY) (recording) by Wouter Gerritsma, Wageningen UR Library (24 Oct 2012, English)
Promotion of Open Access (25 Oct 2012, English)
This webinar includes the following presentations:
- Results of the New AGRIS Vision 2007-2012: promoting Open Access to Research by Stefano Anibaldi, FAO of the United Nations, Italy
- Open Access Repositories: Capacity Strengthening Programme for Africa (OA - IRCSP): Towards visibility, accessibility and usability of African intellectual output by Peter Hessels, Royal Tropical Institute - KIT, The Netherlands
- Open Access India: Towards Making Agricultural Research Publicly Available and Accessible by Sridhar Gutam, Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture - CISH, India
Digital Repository Development Use Cases (25 Oct 2012, English and Spanish)
This webinar includes the following presentations:
- A KARI and KAINet Institutional Repository Development Case Study by Richard Kedemi, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Kenya
- Análisis de resultados y estrategias de mejora en repositorios de libre acceso: el caso de citaREA by Andrés Yubero, Ascensión Bolea y Marta Carracedo, Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón - CITA, Spain
- Archive Scanning & Creative Commons en la producción editorial del IICA by Federico Sancho, Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura - IICA, Costa Rica
Search Engines for Open Access Web Resources (25 Oct 2012, English and Spanish)
This webinar includes the following presentations:
- BASE : a powerful search engine for open access documents by Friedrich Summann, Bielefeld University Library, Germany
- OER Commons Green: Aggregating Best-in-Class Green Open Educational Resources by Madalina Ungur, Vassilis Protonotarios, Agro-Know Technologies, Greece
- Utilizando catálogos de bibliotecas para compartir contenido a texto completo de calidad: la experiencia del SIDALC by Manuel Hidalgo, Alianza de Servicios de Información y Documentación Agropecuaria de las Américas - SIDALC, Costa Rica
Release of AGRIS 2.0: Searching agricultural bibliographic data by Johannes Keizer and Fabrizio Celli, FAO of the United Nations, Italy (03 Dec 2013, English)
AGRIS 2.0 : datos bibliográficos enlazados en el contexto de la información agrícola by Imma Subirats, FAO of the United Nations, Italy (07 Feb 2014, Spanish)
E-LIS : A disciplinary repository to support Agricultural Information Management Specialists by Thembani Malapela, FAO of the United Nations, Italy (14 Feb 2014, English)
E-LIS : لقة دراسية شبكيّة جديدة "المطبوعات الإلكترونية في علم المكتبات والمعلومات: مستودع تخصصات لدعم الأخصائيين في مجال إدارة المعلو by Mandy Taha, Open Access Consultant.
Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS): Management of Classification Systems in the case of Organic.Edunet by Dr. Vassilis Protonotarios, Agricultural Biotechnologist, Agro-Know, Greece / University of Alcalá, Spain (21 Feb 2014, English)
Linking your resources to the Data Web by Tom Baker, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) (4 Dec 2012, English)
Linked Data: ¿qué es y qué nos ofrece? by Daniel Vila, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (11 Dec 2012, Spanish)
Clarifiez le sens de vos données publiques grâce au Web de données by Christophe Guéret, DANS (22 Jan 2013, French)
基于网络的研讨会 “题目:理解和利用关联数据 --图情档博(LAM)作为关联数据的提供者和使用者" by Marcia Lee Zeng, Kent State University (29 Jan 2013, Chinese)
إبراهيم أحمد البدوي فى الويبينار الثالث عن البيانات المفتوحة المرتبطة @ معايير إدارة المعلومات الزراعية by Ibrahim Elbadawi, UAE Federal eGovernment (11 Feb 2013, Arabic)
Введение в концепцию связанных открытых данных by Irina Radchenko, Centre of Semantic Technologies, Higher School of Economics (14 Feb 2013, Russian)
How to select appropriate encoding strategies for producing LOD-enabled bibliographic data by Marcia Zeng, Kent State University, and Imma Subirats, FAO of the UN (31 Jul 2013, English)
Seleccionar estrategias de codificación para la producción de Datos Abiertos Enlazados para datos bibliográficos by Imma Subirats, FAO of the UN, and Marcia Zeng, Kent State University (14 Nov 2013, Spanish)
Integrating controlled vocabularies in information management systems : the new ontology plug-in by Marc Gooaverts and Dirk Leinders, Hasselt University Library (4 Jul 2013, English)
ABCD: Sistema integrado para la administración de bibliotecas by Manuel Hidalgo, SIDALC/ IICA (7 Mar 2014, Spanish)
Automatic Indexing of Bibliographic Metadata: The AgroTagger Usecase by Dr. Fabrizio Celli, FAO of the UN (27 Mar 2014, English)
Islandora: Managing digital assets with a best-practices framework by Melissa Anez and Mark Leggott, Islandora Foundation (10 April 2014, English)
KOHA the first open-source Intergrated Library System (ILS): An overview of its functions by Patrick Jones, Director, Library Solutions and Services , LibLime
From Print to Electronic: Using the Open Journal System (OJS) to Publish an E-Journal by Toni Greider is the Director of International Programs at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky USA
Revistas Científicas Online: Uso del sistema Open Journal Systems (OJS) para la publicación revistas científicas electrónicas, Julio Santillán-Aldana es profesional en Ciencia de la Información especializado en Comunicación Científica
Recommendations pour la gestion de l'information en agriculture: présentation de la plate-forme AIMS by Pascal Aventurier, INRA (8 Nov 2013, French)
AIMS توصيات لإدارة المعلومات الزراعية: تقديم منصة by Mandy Taha, University of Alexandria (19 Dez 2013, Arabic)
Recomendaciones para la gestión de la información agrícola : Introducción a la plataforma AIMS by Imma Subirats, FAO of the UN (17 Jan 2014, Spanish)