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  • Meeting Open Government in Practice

    We had a very interesting event yesterday evening in Brussels.  It was organized by INIT, a IT company in Germany, that works for the EC-DIGIT-SEMIC.EU project.   Title of the event was  "Open Government in practice - tapping the potential of Linked Open Data".  It was a small event, but ...
  • Skyping with Iryna Kuchma (eIFL)

    Date: 6th April 2011 Attendants: Imma Subirats & Iryna Kuchma Agenda 1.) Collaboration in the Project on International Cooperation for Open Access initiatives 2.) Open Repository Handbook carried out by eIFL and the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)  3.) who is who in the Institutional Repository Communication Platform 4.) Collaboration with EXIT   Minutes 1.) EIFL has accepted the ...