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  • Welcome to Ilaria Fava

    Hi all, I would like to introduce you our new colleague Ilaria Fava. She is an information management specialist from Treviso currently living in Rome. She is working for CASPUR within the OpenAIRE European project. Ilaria is going to collaborate with our group specially with regard to information management standards ...
  • [New Publication]Integration of language attributes in Metadata and Customization for Domain Specific Repositories

    The paper presents a system for customized metadata facility adapted to expose domain specific metadata along with language attributes. Quality metadata is crucial for efficient information retrieval. Use of standard and common vocabulary leads to normalization of differences that arise due geographic, cultural, domain specific environments even amongst digital libraries ...
  • Third and last question

    Dear all, I believe we have heard enough ideas and experiences and that we should start formulating conclusions how to go further with Agridrupal. Johannes and I had a brief exchange and we thought it is best to combine the remaining questions: Is there a need to develop specific modules ...
  • Second question: what kind of support

    Dear all, Thanks for your contributions. I wil leave the first question open for a few days and will summarize by Thursday. Meanwhile I would like to stick to the schedule and ask the next question. It reads: What kind of support from other institutions in the agricultural domain would ...
  • Rangelands West: Going Global

    Valeria and I are in Tucson, participating in the inception workshop of the ISE-NIFA project on a global Knowledge System for Range Lands.  we will report life from the workshop.  Photos are at The workshop has participants from University of Arizona, UC Davis, ...